“TanzaMe - Best PHP Personal Portifolio Script”

“TanzaMe - Best PHP Personal Portifolio Script”

By: Almir Frances (Tanzahost)
Email: almirfrances0@gmail.com

Thank you for purchasing TanzaMe - Best PHP Personal Portifolio Script. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thanks so much!

A) Requirements

B) Installation

  1. Import a Database File

  2. Find the tanzame.sql file in project main folder.

    database file

    Create database in PHPMyAdmin and import database file into your database.

    import database

  3. Open a config/database.php file.

  4. Config Folder

  5. Change database user, password and name in database.php File

  6. Uploading to Server

C) Running Project for First Time

D) Admin Details

Almir Frances